Debian/Ubuntu SSH and SSL key attacks

If you are running a Debian-based Linux system and haven’t already caught up with the announcement that there was a major flaw with the generation of SSH, OpenVPN, DNSSEC, SSL/TLS session keys and X.509 certificate key material, you might want to update your...

Does your AMD-based computer boot after installing XP SP3?

From Jesper Johansson’s Blog: "If you have an AMD-based computer, and all you want to do is prevent the problem before installing Service Pack 3, then try the new tool I just wrote. It will first check whether you have an AMD-based computer. If you do it...

On the subject of Java – Java SE 6 update 10 Beta

If you aren’t a developer (only a ‘standard’ end user), and have Java installed to run applications only you may want to consider installing the “Consumer JRE” instead of the big fat standard JRE Take a look at this article:...

Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1 Released!

About Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1 This Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1 adds Java SE 6 version 1.6.0_05 to your Mac. This update does not replace the existing installation of J2SE 5.0 or change the default version of Java. Learn more about this update at: About...