by | Thursday 30 Aug 2007 | Ben, ebay, openid, paypal
OpenID is a way for individuals to create identity online and use it anywhere OpenID is supported. For geeks, OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID takes advantage of already existing internet technology (URI, HTTP,... by | Thursday 30 Aug 2007 | Ben, Microsoft
I cant imagine why ANYONE would be still using Word 1, but we came across a client today who needed to open files the were receiving from a Government Department in MS Word 1 format. Word 2007 has some security built in preventing that, below is the workaround. CAUSE... by | Wednesday 22 Aug 2007 | internet
The Australian Government has announced the release of free filtering software for Australians to use on their PCs. There are two packages available, Safe Eyes and Optenet. Safe Eyes is available for PCs and MACs. Register and download from here:... by | Monday 20 Aug 2007 | Ben
Welcome to my new site, blog style! Im still getting used to how this works, so bear with me. Some posts will be restricted to registered members, as I am not an overly public person, and like to know who knows what :-) Feel free to comment on posts as you see fit....