by | Tuesday 8 Sep 2009 | Ben
Yes I’m at Teched this year. Hoping to blog more tomorrow. Ben by | Monday 27 Oct 2008 | Ben
Today we went on an Explorer Cruise with South Sea Cruises. They have 2 fairly modern cats and 1 very new cat. The newest one has supervised pilot driving… you just tell it the route and watch for small craft. Not really piloting a boat if you ask me! Photos... by | Tuesday 2 Sep 2008 | Ben
Ive been reading up a bit on USB booting. Theres a variety of reasons to do this. Some people make their own toolkits that they want readily available – some simply want to boot WinPE. Now that WinPE 2.0 comes with Vista DVD’s and the WAIK, it provides for... by | Tuesday 2 Sep 2008 | Ben
Information concealed by the InPrivateBrowsing feature of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 can easily be recovered by forensic experts, a Dutch website has found Brenno de Winter (WebWereld Netherlands) 01/09/2008 09:11:00 A privacy feature built into the second... by | Tuesday 2 Sep 2008 | Ben
Strikes will stymie online trade for Qantas, Westpac, Customs Darren Pauli 01/09/2008 16:31:00 Planes could be grounded and banking systems disabled after negotiations failed between IBM and staff in its Baulkham Hills “Flightdeck” facility. Qantas, Cathay... by | Sunday 18 May 2008 | Ben
If you are running a Debian-based Linux system and haven’t already caught up with the announcement that there was a major flaw with the generation of SSH, OpenVPN, DNSSEC, SSL/TLS session keys and X.509 certificate key material, you might want to update your...