Day 3 – Nadi Town

Today whist Kerrie-Anne and Vanessa went swimming Kristie and I went on a shopping tour to Nadi Town (pronounced Nandi). The tour took us to the local market where fresh fruit was cheap, the main street, McDonalds and the Butcher on the way back. The markets are similar to our own. There are traders offering […]

Today whist Kerrie-Anne and Vanessa went swimming Kristie and I went on a shopping tour to Nadi Town (pronounced Nandi). The tour took us to the local market where fresh fruit was cheap, the main street, McDonalds and the Butcher on the way back.

The markets are similar to our own. There are traders offering Chinese imports/copies of “handicrafts” for a variety of prices…   There are also a variety in quality and price on the fresh fruit and vegetables. We purchased a whole watermelon for FJ$5 and 2 bowls of tomatoes (approx 12 tomatoes) for FJ$2.

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There are 2 supermarkets, MH and , and it is very obvious what the locals eat, and what is flown in for the tourists.


Below are some photos showing pricing on some common tourist items.

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Yes… that is FJ$18.69 for 560g box of Nutri Grain..  must be all that iron :)
You will notice that water is cheap here FJ$1.99 per 1.5L bottle. a 6 pack of FIJI water is FJ$5.79 – very reasonable.

oh – while on the subject of prices, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Petrol.
Petrol and Diesel is imported by the government and the price is reviewed Monthly. Some of you will be thinking this is fantastic compared to Australia’s daily fluctuating prices… but take a look at the price per litre..


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Yeah! How much to fill up your car Greg? (120L x $2.03 = $…!)

The other thing of note in Nadi Town is the public transport. Buses of all types and ages, with one guarantee – no windows!  For FJ$0.69 the bus will take you anywhere on its route… no zones or per stop calculations here.


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